Do YOU want to
Marconics Video By Alison David-Byrd
I am so excited---we didn’t expect it so none of us were able to give our clients advance notice. What? THE ASCENSION is in progress and various stellar alignments are already closing.
As a result, I am taking time away from energy work, to focus on the evolution of my own energetic templates. I can help you as a coach to prepare you to raise your vibration as well.
For everyone the goal MUST be to get your vibration up to 7 or 9D.
Just wanted to let you know the latest. Bottom line I will not be facilitating any more sessions. It is up to each person to focus and align on their ascension.
And, so it begins!
Marconics UPDATE Lion's Gate
August 12 at 11:33 AM by Alison David-Byrd ·
Something has changed – we hear it in your anthems, as they ring out in every tongue, from each corner the globe; The drums, the mantras, the chants, the war dances, the prayers and the songs of praise. They ripple on a wave of sonic frequencies through the collective of Lightworkers, Wayshowers and Starseed, who are raising their heads in unison and singing in one voice.
“Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the lord, he is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored, he hath loosed the fateful lightening of his terrible, swift sword, his Truth is marching on.” – (Julia Ward Howe)
The ‘one voice’ is growing in strength of numbers and gathering momentum as more and more join the throng of rebellion. “No more! No more!” the people cry and they will not be ignored…
“Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!” - (*Les Misérables)
They are fearless, not reticent. Strong, not cowed. Their hearts are pure and full, not shrunken and withered. They are a movement, a tsunami wave of resistance that can breach the barriers of creed and color, storm the ramparts of religion and politics, and swamp the barricades of fear and doubt.
They will defeat the forces of injustice and corruption, wielding the sword of truth over all who taint the garden of purity; poisoning the Earth, polluting her water ways, killing her native creatures and enslaving her children. They will be GOLIATHS! Slaying the slayers.
“Bring me my Bow of burning gold;
Bring me my Arrows of desire:
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of fire!” - (William Blake)
Their tread on the battle fields of earth will be immortalized throughout the Golden Ages, cast in mud and blood, ‘their last stand’! While the strains of their battle cries will be carried on the winds of change, and laid like misty blankets over the fallen.
No greater love hath any man…
“The love that never falters, the love that pays the price,
The love that makes undaunted the final sacrifice.”
…To bring about a new dawn, and a new country for all.
“We may not count her armies, we may not see her King;
Her fortress is a faithful heart, her pride is suffering;
And soul by soul and silently her shining bounds increase,
And her ways are ways of gentleness, and all her paths are peace.” – (Sir Cecil Spring Rice)
*Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes
Reconnection (No-Touch) and Quantum Recalibration will do just that...
MARCONICS is a multidimensional Ascension energy healing modality, handed down by Spirit, for the evolution of Humanity – The Human Upgrade
• Marconics raises your vibration above the Fear frequencies of the third dimension, so you can access the frequencies of Pleiadian Love in the higher realms and come into alignment with your Higher Self, at Source.
• Marconics is achieving Ascension through the progressive integration of Higher Self energies, into the physical body. Each one introducing a higher vibration than the last.
• Anything you do emits a vibrational frequency, once you have received your own Marconics Recalibration, you will experience an acceleration of your life’s path. Your personal interactions and your work will emit a higher vibrational frequency, drawing experiences and people to you that are in resonance.
• Recipients of Marconics continue to download upgrades into their new operating systems with every new wave of Ascension energy that hits the planet from the newly completed infrared system of space.
Marconics enables you to:
• Communicate with your DNA
• Take Charge of your Personal Programs
• Accelerate your Evolutionary Process
• Discover your Life’s Purpose
• Align with your Higher Mission
• Awaken Intuition/ESP Psychic Gifts
• Reclaim Hidden Talents & Skills
• Release Negative Pastlife Imprints
And more: go to Marconics.com
Here's are some Marconics YouTube videos
I made to help you
Shift Wide Open Intro to Marconics 5D
Shift Wide Open Intro to Marconics Reconnection or No Touch Tech
Shift Wide Open Intro to Marconics Recalibration Technique